The Value of a Ninth Grade Year
The Senior Year Offers a Profound Opportunity for Personal Growth
拉姆齐的七年级(九年级)学术课程为世界各地的正规博彩平台课程提供了适当的挑战和准备. 我们的七年级课程让学生进入正规博彩平台充分接地与目标感和能量. 他们在领导方面的成功经验和学院的使命是成为一个成功的和有贡献的社会成员, students move forward as confident, adventurous young people who are self-assured and resilient.
"When we asked Logan to reminisce on his 9th Grade year at Rumsey—he smiled. 他说他获得了一种独立感,他最大的成就是获得了毕业典礼最佳全能男运动员奖. That award was a remarkable ending to a nice year, and the final year of his Rumsey education.
We always felt that Logan had the independence to go to a boarding prep school. And Logan had always envisioned graduating from a boarding school. We wanted to make sure that Logan was actually prepared—for the homework load, the proctored study hall, the academic rigor (AND the responsibility), 一个室友, 洗衣服, time management and peer pressure. We wanted him to experience his 9th Grade year, realizing independence, before heading off to the very competitive setting of a boarding school. Being 6 hours away, he would have to learn to lean on his friends, the 教师 and himself.
Rumsey showed Logan, and us, that he was ready for the next step! He gained the independence he was searching for and we saw that he could manage on his own. With the guidance and encouragement of all of the coaches, 教师, and dorm parents of Rumsey Hall School (including our dear friends, the Hoenigers), Logan reached his full potential."
Kendall and Tommy Adams, parents of Logan and Colin
“We considered moving Louise to a high school for 9th Grade, 但我们对她推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的进步感到非常高兴,并且看到还有很多值得利用的地方——包括作为“高年级学生”而不是“大一新生”度过九年级的经历——所以让她留推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜真的是最好的选择. We couldn’t have made a better decision.
Fran Ryan is the absolute maestro of matriculation. His reassuring knowledge of every twist and turn of the complex, 与一所新学校建立关系的过程令人生畏,有时令人伤脑筋,这既令人印象深刻,又大有裨益.
一开始,露易丝不确定自己能否推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜这样一所享有体育声誉的学校里,参加竞争激烈的团队运动, 但她能够磨练她的基础几年在合资企业赢得了大学在她的最后一年的位置, in fact being named “Most Improved” on the Tennis Team! 在体育项目中额外的一年确实对路易丝的贡献和她对运动的享受产生了巨大的影响.
让露易丝在熟悉的环境中首次遇到荣誉课程的特殊挑战,这对她很有帮助, supportive community of Rumsey. 她的拉姆齐老师和顾问网络在帮助路易丝“升级”方面发挥了重要作用——将她的游戏提升到更高的水平,并成功地调整了工作量和对荣誉学习的期望.
很难想象露易丝在面对高正规博彩平台业和社会挑战时还能有什么更好的准备. 她推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜高中大四的最后一年推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜了她作为年轻同学导师的特殊机会, to step up to leadership roles in activities important to her, and given her new levels of poise and confidence.”
Ron and Mary Gagnon, parents of Louise
“9th Grade at Rumsey Hall was a magical and defining year for our children, 麦考利, Sasha and Andre. Though very different personalities, they all started the year with the same mixed emotions: confidence in a school they knew and loved and in which they felt great pride; anticipation and anxiety about high school as it loomed up ahead. 9th Grade proved to be the perfect bridge between Middle School and High School. 我们的孩子们面临着新的学术挑战,并被期望表现出更高水平的责任感. They developed a greater sense of commitment to their community and to themselves. 这一年推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜了他们在高中和以后取得成功的信心、精力和决心.”
May and Egils Bogdanovics
Value of the 9th Grade Year (Read More)
The Rumsey Hall 教师 is expert at adolescence. As our adolescents here at Rumsey face all the challenges their development presents, we stand alone at providing the guidance, 为我们的学生构建和规划,使他们成为积极向上、以成长为导向的社区成员.
拉姆齐霍尔的高年级学生有一个不寻常的机会提升到大多数九年级学生无法获得的领导水平. 他们准备好承担责任,成为整个学生团体的榜样和领导者, a privilege usually reserved for high school seniors. 重要的是, as Rumsey Hall continues to provide outstanding options for secondary school, these leadership opportunities are valued by admission offices across the globe. Not surprisingly, 我们的毕业生在我们有意和深思熟虑的七年级(九年级)课程中培养这些技能,并拥有推动他们在下一个社区领导的技能和信心.
找到最适合我们毕业生的学校是我们投入大量资源的过程. Rumsey Hall’s school placement process is comprehensive and holistic, 兑现帮助学生创造原本不可能实现的体验的承诺. 我们有一个为期一年的项目,带领我们的老年人和家庭通过评估优势和挑战,探索未来未知的可能性.
The secondary school search begins in the spring of the VIth Form (8th Grade) year, providing extensive guidance through what can otherwise be a complex and confusing process. 我们的项目包括在秋季访问校园的全国和世界各地的招生主任的独家访问权, allowing them to explore future possibilities and programs.
大约有50所学校派他们的招生主任来拉姆齐大厅招聘我们的全面发展, and talented seniors. 在我们的老师的指导下,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜大厅的最后一年,大四学生完成了令人印象深刻的事情. It is not uncommon for a senior to individually organize a community service effort, produce an extraordinary body of music or art or lead teams, and classes to extraordinary results. 在像我们这样的结构和支持性社区中工作时,要抓住这些机会, is unique to Rumsey Hall’s program.
我们设计了七年级(九年级)的学术课程,为世界各地的正规博彩平台课程提供适当的挑战和准备. 我们的毕业生与所有类型学校的课程无缝对接,他们在正规博彩平台提供的一系列选择中发现了不同的新激情. 他们发现,从我们的七年级(九年级)课程中脱颖而出,可以让他们带着使命感和精力进入正规博彩平台. It does not take long before Rumsey Hall alumni become leaders of teams, 宿舍, student government and academic departments in their secondary schools. They have had the chance to practice this in our community.
Through the intentional and unique opportunities available to our seniors, they learn and grow in ways that singularly advantage them in the admission process. The VIIth Form (9th Grade), 顶石一年, encouraged and developed in tandem with rigorous secondary schools in the country, produces great results as manifest in the consistent list of schools our graduates attend. They move forward as confident, adventurous young people who are self-assured and resilient, 他们在领导方面的成功经验和拉姆齐会馆的使命是成为一个成功的和有贡献的社区成员.
“在大四的时候,我们肩负着很多责任,我们的独立性达到了一个新的高度,这既是挑战,也是回报. 一生的纽带形成了,信心最终为我们的高中生活做好了准备.”